onsdag 18 november 2009

Fireworks Tips for Owners (including dogs with firework fears)

Fireworks Tips for Owners (including dogs with firework fears)

The following tips are designed for owners with dogs that are a bit afraid of fireworks, or for owners of puppies who have never experienced fireworks. By following these tips may be that your puppy is not frightened of fireworks and that your older, any frightened dog, no more or less scared.

Turn on your radio
If the radio is in the house, the dog hears less noise from outside. This will perhaps decrease his anxiety.

Close the curtains
When the curtains in the house are closed, the dog sees no light flashes, making it potentially less afraid.

Leave the dog on time
It is a fearful dog wise time to. Do this well before it starts bang, for example at 22:00. Try to walk calmly with him and not paying attention to startle reactions. Pretend nothing is wrong and go on quietly. Never let your dog loose, because he can run the terror. Perhaps it is wise to chipping your dog, then he can go back at least until he found someone.

Do not walk too close to fireworks
A dog that fireworks can go off very close to him, this huge scare and fear develop. You can leave a dog is accustomed to fireworks, but start at a great distance and reduce the distance only if the dog shows no voltage. Obviously you must also take care that you or your dog being hit by fireworks.

Give the dog a quiet place
Create a nice sheltered spot for the dog, like a crate with a blanket over it. This gives him the idea of a safe lair. Crawls the dog away under a table or under the bed, let him lie down until he comes of falling itself.

Ignore fear
How pathetic is the dog, ignoring his fearful behavior. Pay no attention to fearful behavior he loves to talk, stroking, or to look at. This will confirm your fears are and will always be worse. It is wise to instruct your possible visit to ignore the dog.

Use a sedative
In the pet store or your veterinarian are many types of tranquilizers to calm your dog what to do when old and new. You can choose something homeopathic (eg Back rescue spray), something based on pheromones (eg evaporator or the DAP collar), some based on food (Royal Canin diet calm) or supplements (Zylkene), or something based medicine (Diazepam or Vetranquil). Get detailed advice of the staff of the pet store or vet practice. Note potential side effects, which sometimes makes sense, your dog not to leave home alone.

Practice with a CD
There are CDs (eg Tinley) showing sounds of thunder and fireworks. Allows you to practice with your dog. Start with a very low volume and run continuously on. This step should only be done at times that your dog shows no anxiety. It is wise to exercise all year round and not just a few days before the new year starting.

For dogs with extreme fear or trauma, I recommend a behavioral to search. This can guide you and your dog in this period.

I wish you and your dog a quiet old and new here!

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