If your child wants a guinea pig or hamster
Photo: guinea pig brush
Can I have a pet?
As a parent, there's usually a question of time that your child, often anywhere from when it goes to the kleutergroep. He or she sees it in friends at the petting zoo and wants himself some cute little creature to play. Do you have a household where pets are present then the question might not be so urgent, but for children who are not accustomed to an animal home can be a big wish. And of course everyone they know a cat, dog or rodent home.
Give your child a pet, yes or no?
In more than half of the households there is a pet. From the educational perspective, a good move for your child to give meaning: the child must care for the animal, what it can teach responsibility and it can always be emotions in animals to lose if things go against him here. Also been shown that petting animals relieve stress works, also for children obviously a good thing. And of course the child to a pet just have fun.
If you own animals will keep it for your child so hard for you to persuade his dearest wish come to pass. Finally you find yourself nice! But you're not so enamored of the idea of an animal in your house or do anything with animals it is difficult to decide where everyone is happy. Of course there is a chance that you simply refuse your child, your son or daughter has had bad luck. Would your child do respond, it seems obvious to choose an animal that is not "too much present '.
No dog or cat, what is?
Your child a dog or cat can give something too much if you're not quite sure whether it was a good decision for your child to give meaning and a pet to buy. Finally a dog or cat runs all day on the floor, can molt and junk it. In addition, a dog several times daily walks should be a lot of money and costs, eg for food and vet. Furthermore, those cute puppy or on course, otherwise he later inapplicable. Young cats and dogs can play a battlefield of your interior. The course is fun, such a sweet puppy or kitten cute, but if you prefer something smaller and easier to maintain, the choice seems soon to fall on a rodent, such as a hamster or a guinea pig.
The hamster: not suitable for small children
Hamsters are rodents that cute fuzzy volstouwen their cheek pouches with food pieces. They come in various types, sizes and colors. With their cuddly appearance and size (fits exactly between two children's hands), they seem suitable as pets for young children. They are for sale in the pet store and sit there in glass containers and to check if it were ready to purchase an impulse to be purchased. What is not a good idea.
Hamsters are not suitable as pets for (small) children. They are nocturnal, which means they sleep during the day and become active when your child goes to bed. The child has no daytime fun to pet. And as a hamster in his sleep is disturbed, he reacts very cranky and will bite. This is not only sad for the animal but also for your child. A hamster is small, very mobile and difficult to handle in young hands. If he falls to the ground then the chances are that he did not survive. If you do choose to give your child a hamster, remember that your child only under good guidance how to handle them. Do you not want your intensively to interfere, then you should definitely not start.
Syrian hamster
Syrian hamster
If you still have decided to give your child a hamster is a Syrian hamster or golden hamster, the most appropriate. Because of its slightly larger size it is more manageable than other types and has a quiet nature. Moreover, this species fairly easy to get tame. The Syrian hamster but does not accept fellows, so you should leave him alone to prevent a tragedy.
The guinea pig: well suited, but fragile
Guinea pigs and hamsters are larger than do small naps during the day only. They are animals with a friendly nature and therefore more suitable as pets for your child. But as each pet is: know what you are getting. Guinea pigs are to begin group of animals, so if you're committed to these animals, you will immediately have to buy two. Or of the same sex, you do not want in no time be saddled with a nest. A guinea pig in his own dying and that is pathetic.
Guinea pigs seem by their physique rather robust but are in fact very fragile. These animals must be held with care and guidance to your child as needed: when they hit the floor they can easily break a bone, because they are built quite plump. These animals can not itself create vitamin C, which means they need every day fresh greens alongside dry food and hay. This requires extra attention to the feed. They need a large cage, a small aquarium is really no good housing for a few guinea pigs.
Tips prior
If you are considering buying a hamster or guinea pig for your child to remember the following:
* You remain responsible as a parent, how well your child also assists in the care of the animal, you should care about if you take this child for some reason just can not do themselves.
* A child can not see what it means to be a living thing to care properly for years. Please note that your child the animal at some point maybe tired, you will be ready to take over all the care.
* Cleaning the cage is a chore that weekly returns
* There are costs associated with coming back after the purchase costs such as feed and any vet
* If you go on vacation, someone else the hamster or guinea pigs to provide
* Make sure you before you actually acquiring them, are well informed: buy a book or find information on the Internet.
At the site of Animal Freedom is a lot of information about pets and children, including critical questions such as:
"A pet can be fun for the child but the child is always nice for the animal?"
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